An Excursion to the Old World

I am a student at the University of Toronto (Canada), going on what was once called "the Grand Tour" -- a trip around the whole of Northern Europe (and, perhaps, in the near future, Southern Europe as well). My parents and I should be spending about 3 months on our tour. I hope you will enjoy reading about my experiences, and feel free to suggest places to go (or pictures to take).

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Stone Lion from the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

Most stone lions don't really seem to be awake, awash in the fiersome power of a live lion. Instead they seem to sleep -- instead of protecting their domains with the awe inspired by a lion, they seem simply to impart a regal majesty, which is normally inpressive enough.

However, the lion below imparts both regal majesty, and real live power. It looks awake enough to reach down from its podium and take a not-so regal swipe at the people walking past.

Part of a pair, the stone lions were taken from the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, which the British museum helped to excavate. The Mausoleum was considered one of the ancient wonders of the world. From looking at the beauty of the carving on these lions (exposed to wind and air for a significant part of 2000 years), it is no wonder that the Mausoleum was considered a wonder of the world.

Fittingly, for having created what was considered the greatest tomb ever build, King Maussollos is now the namesake for the word Mausoleum. Posted by Picasa


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