An Excursion to the Old World

I am a student at the University of Toronto (Canada), going on what was once called "the Grand Tour" -- a trip around the whole of Northern Europe (and, perhaps, in the near future, Southern Europe as well). My parents and I should be spending about 3 months on our tour. I hope you will enjoy reading about my experiences, and feel free to suggest places to go (or pictures to take).

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Nutcracker and REM Sleep

I just saw the Russian Stateballet perform Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker, last night. The performance was okay (not spectacular), but I presume that is because they were on tour. However, at least the Nutcracker story is a happy one, and so the whole performance made for a fun night.

However, what struck me during the performance was what a sleep researcher would think, watching the Nutcracker.

As you might know, the entire Nutcracker is a dream of a little girl, after her uncle (a magician) gives her a nutcracker for Christmas. During one scene, the characters of the dream world, surround the little girl, swaying back and forth. She, herself, is carried aloft by the magician, swaying back and forth. The beautiful effect was to simulate her sleeping, and then slowly getting awakened.

Awash in Tchaikovsky's beautiful lullaby, a little voice in my head said: Well, now the REM sleep is ending. There will be a period of non-REM sleep before she reawakens. Alpha wave activity will slowly begin in the EEG scanner.

Though I managed to quash that little voice in my head -- I can only say that I doubt a sleep researcher would appreciate the Nutcracker (if he kept thinking like that).

:) Posted by Picasa


At 10:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nutcracker eh? Saw that one at the TSO a few years back. Try King Kong - if you haven't seen it already. Abhinav and Zubair also thought it was pretty good. On a more depressing note, schools started again :( looks like another 4 months before I get any decent sleep. By the way, when are you coming back?


At 10:50 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

King Kong had good scenes, but long.... as you are sitting there you wonder: "It's been an hour and I still havent seen the monkey..."
Today was: Expanding Canada's frontiers: our journey into the future by UofT Astronomy and Space Exploration Society, but I did not go... I only go as a VIP :b

So, when are you coming back?

At 12:44 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

KK was decent. The T-Rex fight scene has impressive, but the woman-monkey love was a groaner.

But it gets the 'Abhinav stamp of approval' (which I'll give to anything that can keep my attention for a few hours)

- Abhinav


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