An Excursion to the Old World

I am a student at the University of Toronto (Canada), going on what was once called "the Grand Tour" -- a trip around the whole of Northern Europe (and, perhaps, in the near future, Southern Europe as well). My parents and I should be spending about 3 months on our tour. I hope you will enjoy reading about my experiences, and feel free to suggest places to go (or pictures to take).

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Age of Stonehenge

I don't think you really appreciate the age of stonehenge until you see the lichen on it.

In England's climate, lichen grow only about a mm per hundred years -- so you can certainly tell how old stonehenge is, when you see lichen, like the following, almost 7 cm in diameter. (about 3500 years old).

Astounding! Posted by Picasa


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