An Excursion to the Old World

I am a student at the University of Toronto (Canada), going on what was once called "the Grand Tour" -- a trip around the whole of Northern Europe (and, perhaps, in the near future, Southern Europe as well). My parents and I should be spending about 3 months on our tour. I hope you will enjoy reading about my experiences, and feel free to suggest places to go (or pictures to take).

Friday, December 16, 2005

The building of Stonehenge

Stonehenge, as you might know, was built in series.

First a trench (as you saw in the last picture). Then a woodhenge, with posts of wood.

Then some of the stones (the smaller bluestones, from Wales, which were moved about 120 miles).

Then, the big Sarsens, which were the last to be put in, and came from only about 40 miles away (from a field of erratics, called Sarsen fields, like the one I showed you).

These different layers were not even close to contemporary.

Put it this way -- if the Sarsens had been put down today. Then...

Bluestones -- Leonardo da Vinci was alive (1500s)
Wooden posts -- We were in the dark ages (1000s)
Trench was built -- Julius Caeser was getting assasinated (~ O AD)

So, to the people who built the Stone circle, the henge would already have looked to them, like Roman artefacts look to us today.

Astounding! Posted by Picasa


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